3745 Meier St.
Los Angeles, CA 90066-3613
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The Next Meander will be 25 August 2007 at 7:00 PM
The Meander takes place Monthly, on the Saturday closest (more or less) to the Full Moon. The Meanderers wander along beaches & trails of the Santa Monica and Malibu Mountains (and sometimes even the Beaches of Torrance), where we enjoy the views, breathe the air, partake of simple repast, and read poetry and, whenever possible, Howl at the Moon.

Please bring selections of your favorite poetry, short literary passages, screenplays, dictionary entries, package labels, songs, billboards, liner notes, or internet humor-memes to read or sing. Original work is encouraged!

Other things you might consider bringing: friends, musical instruments, a bottle of wine or snack to share, the latest joke, a good story, a thesaurus of archaisms, limericks about parrots, a manual of Trivia, your imagination ...

Also please bring an emergency light (normally, we only use artificial light when reading), a sweater or jacket, some water, and comfortable walking shoes.
For more details, please visit http://www.themeander.org/